Using public transport with ODIN PASS

Where can I catch public transport with ODIN PASS?
ODIN PASS is valid for use on TransLink services operating in South East Queensland, including buses, trains (excluding AirTrain), trams and ferries.  ...
Do I need my goCard to use ODIN PASS?
The ODIN PASS app operates independently from the goCard ticketing system as it currently does not support tapping on/off phones. Users directly book pub...
Do I need to show the bus driver or operator my ticket?
An e-ticket must be booked for every trip taken through ODIN PASS.  This e-ticket is shown to the driver/transport operator when boarding a bus, ferr...
If I'm running late for the bus / train / ferry / tram can I get on without booking?
We all have occasions where we are running late for public transport and have to run to catch the service. It is preferred that ODIN PASS users book ...
What happens if I accidentally book a ticket for later/earlier service?
The ODIN PASS app relies on real-time data provided through the TransLink data feed. Occasionally there may be delays in the data being provided, or erro...
What should I do if the driver or operator doesn't know about ODIN PASS?
TMR, UQ and ODIN PASS have worked closely to distribute information about this MaaS trial to public transport operators across South East Queensland thro...
I am not getting results for the normal public transport services, routes, stops or stations I use
Depending on the nature of the area around your current location, sometimes using the 'current location' as your from location (starting point) i...
[iOS] How do I book public transport using ODIN PASS?
This guide includes: Video Tutorial Step-By-Step Instructions 1. Plan Your Trip 2. Choose Public Transport 3. Book Public Transport The ODIN...
[Android] How do I book public transport using ODIN PASS?
This guide includes:  Video Tutorial Step-by-Step Instructions 1. Plan Your Trip 2. Choose Public Transport 3. Book Your Trip The ODIN PASS ...
[iOS] Is there a shortcut to finding my active public transport ticket?
If you leave the ODIN PASS app and need to quickly find your public transport ticket to show an authorised official, there is a shortcut to your active p...